sispo.compression package


sispo.compression.compression module

Module for compression and decompression investigations.

This module is the main contribution of my master thesis.

exception sispo.compression.compression.CompressionError

Generic error class for compression errors.

class sispo.compression.compression.Compressor(res_dir, img_dir, img_ext='exr', algo=None, settings=None)

Main class to interface compression module.

comp_decomp(img=None, img_id=None)

Default function that applies compression and decompression.

Parameters:img – Image to be compressed and decompressed.

Compresses and decompresses multiple images using :py:func:comp_decomp

compress(img=None, img_id=None)

Compresses images using predefined algorithm or file format.

Parameters:img – Image to be compressed.
Returns:A compressed image.

Decompresses images using predefined algorithm or file format.

Returns:Decompressed image.

Extract list of frame ids from file names of Inst(rument) images.


Load a single image into memory.

Parameters:img_id (str) – id of the image to load

Load composition images using ids.

select_algo(algo, settings)

Select compression and decompression algorithm or file format.

  • algo – string to describe algorithm or file format to use for image compression.
  • settings – dictionary to describe settings for the compression algorithm. Default is {“level”: 9}, i.e. highest compression.

Unload image with given img_id, keeps ID.


Unloads images to free memory, keeps IDs.

Module contents